U.F.O Finding the Truth 3
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Phreaky Storys
Mr Fate
Thu july 14 23:11:03 1992
What follows is a transcript of a 45 minute lecture that I attended on
11-17-89 at the "Whole Life Expo." in Los Angeles, California. Speaking
was Mr. Milton William Cooper who I first became acquainted with through
a text file I downloaded from a local computer BBS. The file dealt with
the subject of UFO's and our government's concealment of the truth about
them in such a way that it made a lasting impression on me, which is why
I attended his lecture; to learn more. Please forgive my probable
misspelling of some of the proper names in the transcript which follows
and allow that I have taken it as best I could, word-for-word, from a
less than acceptable micro-cassette recording.
If you are as moved by what you are about to read as I was in hearing
it first hand, I ask that you please spread it as far and wide as
possible. Upload it to every BBS in your reach and please, don't change
anything. Also, please give considerable thought to Mr. Cooper's
suggestions as to what we all can do to see that this information is
confirmed by our government to make them stop what they are up to.
Thank you, and now, Milton Cooper:
"For those of you who don't know who I am, I was raised in a military
family. My family, my ancestors, since they came to this country, have
been government people. We have served in the military, we have been
patriots, we have fought in all the wars, we care about this country and
believe in the constitution of the United States. We know, as many
people don't know, that the Constitution of the United States of America
IS the United States of America! And that's why we've always been ready
...to do the things needed ...to preserve and protect it."
"When I left home I went into the Air Force, the Strategic Air Command.
As a child I'd heard stories from my father and pilots, other pilots, my
father was a pilot, about Foo Fighters, UFO's, strange craft that were
not made on this Earth. And as a kid, you hear that in passing, and it's
neat, and you giggle about it, and you go out and play "Space Man", and
you forget it."
"When I was in the Air Force I met men who had participated in alien
crashed-craft recoveries. Now this intrigued me, it interested me, but
it was usually after quite a few bottles of beer that these stories
would come out, and sometimes the next morning I couldn't remember what
the heck the guy said."
"When I left the Air Force I went into the Navy, and this is where
everything began to happen for me. I had originally intended to just go
from service to service and do something that very few people have ever
done before. I was a very adventurous, very crazy ...young man, and I
thought that that would be a pretty exciting life. I volunteered for
submarines, and while on the submarine U.S.S. Tyroot, SS-416, on a
transit between the Portland/Seattle area and Pearl Harbor, which was
our home port; the Pearl Harbour sub base, as the port lookout I saw a
craft, saucer-shaped, the size of a Midway class carrier, aircraft
carrier, for those of you who don't know how big that is; it's huge,
come up out of the water approximately 2 1/2 nautical miles off the port
bow, which is about 45 degrees to the left of the pointy end of the
submarine. It tumbled slowly on its own axis, and went up into the
clouds. It appeared to be moving slowly to me at a distance of 2 1/2
nautical miles, but in reality it was moving pretty fast because it came
up out of the water, did a few tumbles and it was gone!"
"I then reported it to the officer of the deck. I didn't tell him what
it was that I saw because my Daddy didn't raise no fools and in case
nobody else saw it I didn't want to be the only looney onboard the ship.
So I asked the officer of the deck to help me cover that area, and he
did, which is common for officers and lookouts to help each other while
on bridge watch because they all hang together if something bad happens.
After a few seconds of watching, the same craft, or another craft
exactly like it, came down out of the clouds, tumbled again on its own
axis, and went into the water. Ensign Ball, who was the officer of the
deck, was literally shocked! What could I say? Seaman Dejeralimo, who
was the starboard lookout, had also witnessed this, and ensign Ball
called the captain to the bridge who was followed by the chief
quartermaster who brought a 35MM camera, and we watched for between 7
and 10 minutes the same craft, or different craft that looked exactly
alike, enter and leave the water. It was an incredible show. I don't
know if they knew we were there, or if they even cared, but the craft
did not glow, they were metal, they were machines without a doubt, they
were obviously intelligently guided, they were HUGE, and having been in
the Air Force and the Navy and knowing what it takes, I knew without a
doubt, and know it today, that that machine was not made on the face of
this Earth. Because there's nothing that man can make, that can fly
through the air at a speed like that, tumble on its own axis, and enter
the water and effectively fly beneath the sea."
"If you've ever been aboard an airplane and then gone aboard a
submarine, I know there's probably some of you in this room who have
visited a submarine at one time or another, you can readily see just
without even any of the technicalities involved how difficult such a
thing would be to do. Where would it be built, that size? It was
absolutely incredible. It changed my life because then all the stories
that I'd heard all my life I knew were true, and I began seeing the
world in a different light."
"It wasn't long after that I was trained by Naval security in
intelligence. I was sent to Viet Nam. I was assigned as a patrol boat
captain, first in DaNang harbor, given a crew, given a multi-million
dollar patrol boat. My job was to gather intelligence from the people
who lived around the harbor and the fishermen who transited the harbor,
and maintain the safety and security of the harbor and the shipping.
After about 5 months I was sent up North to the DMZ, to a place called
Qua Vieaf [sp], on the Tacan [sp] river. Our base camp was at the river
mouth. We were only 3 miles South of the North Vietnamese border and our
job was to patrol the Tacan river from the river mouth to Dang Ha [sp],
and then up the Quang Tree [sp] cutoff to Quang Tree city, again to get
to know the people on the bank, gather intelligence, and to patrol every
night and maintain the safety and security of the river and the river
"It was while there that I discovered that there was a tremendous
amount of UFO and alien activity in Viet Nam. It was always reported in
official messages as 'enemy helicopters.' Now any of you who know
anything about the Viet Nam war know that the North Vietnamese did not
have any helicopters, especially after our first couple of air raids
into North Viet Nam. Even if they had they would not have been so
foolish as to bring them over the DMZ because that would have insured
their demise. Our troops were fired on occasionally by these 'enemy
helicopters,' enemy troops were fired on occasionally by these 'enemy
helicopters,' and occasionally people would disappear. And on one
instance that I know for sure at least one entire village disappeared
one night due to alien activity. The reason they used the term 'enemy
helicopters' in messages and dispatches was that in Viet Nam you could
be overrun at any time, no matter where you where. They did not bring
crypto encoding equipment into Viet Nam, I'm talking about the
machinery. What we did is we had crypto tables, and once we every 24
hours those codes would be no good. So that's what we used. We also,
because of the inability to use crypto transmitting equipment, had to
devise code words such as 'enemy helicopters.'"
"When I left Vietnam I was eventually attached to the headquarters
staff of the Commander in Chief of the United States Pacific Fleet at
Macalappa, [sp] Hawaii, which is a little hill overlooking Pearl Harbor,
it's a beautiful white building up there, and I was specifically
attached to the Intelligence Briefing Team of the Commander in Chief of
the United States Pacific Fleet."
"It was during this tour of duty that, in the course of my duties,
documents were placed in my hands that were so unbelievable and so
incredible that it took me quite a while to adjust to the fact that what
I was seeing was real. Now for those of you who don't understand how I
could come to see this information let me give you a little short course
in security clearance and "the need to know" and how you get to see
classified information if you're in the military or in the government,
it doesn't matter which, the rules are the same."
"Number one you need a security clearance, and you've got to have
clearance at the level that the information you want to see is
classified at. In this instance it was classified 'Top Secret, Magic,
Restricted Information,' which I came to find out later is the highest
security classification in the Nation. To get that type of clearance,
all you have to have is a Federal Bureau of Investigation background
check, which takes about six months and they send federal agents to your
home, to your old schools, to all your teachers, to your friends, to
everybody you put down on your security clearance forms, to all your old
addresses, your neighbors, everybody that you've worked for, and it's
embarrassing because they don't tell them what they're checking on. They
just show them their identification and start asking questions and
that's when you find out who's your friend and who's not, because a lot
of people get scared and think, 'Bill just robbed a bank and I'm not
talkin' to him
"Now once you get that it's called a 'B.I.' and for those of you who
have received a copy of my service record look on the first page, the
DD-214 where it says 'Security Clearance,' you will see the term 'B.I.'
That's a 'Bureau of Investigation' clearance. Now at that point, you
have the clearance for everything including Top Secret and above. What
determines what you get to see is your need to know, and the job that
you have determines what your need to know is."
"I was assigned to the Intelligence Briefing Team of the Commander
in Chief of the United States Pacific Fleet, who had to know everything
concerning his area of operations which was one-half of the Earth's
surface; the Indian ocean, the Pacific ocean, and all the land masses in
between. Believe it or not, if we go to war, if we ever go to war, it's
the United States Navy that strikes the first blow and attempts to keep
the enemy at bey while we can get ourselves together, at least
historically. Nuclear weapons have kind of done away with that concept,
but military commanders like to talk about it anyway."
"Because of this, and you have no conception of the amount of material
and information that an area commander has to know, it's unbelievable,
and he has to keep track of this, he has to keep on top of it. He has to
know what's happening, he has to make the right decisions. Because it's
almost humanly impossible for anyone to do that, they have what's called
a briefing team, and it's our job to make sure that he has the correct
information, all the time, on a 24 hour basis. And every morning,
between 8 and 9 AM, we would give a briefing which covered everything
that happened in the previous 24 hours, and everything scheduled to
happen in the next 24 hours, and all the pertinent intelligence reports
that we had received since the last briefing that he needed to know and
that his staff members needed to know. Occasionally we would get
messages marked 'Top Secret, Magic, Restricted Information,' and it
would be coded in such a way that all you had were answers to questions
which you didn't know what the questions were so you really didn't know
what the message was all about." "But eventually I found myself in
possession, holding two documents; one called 'Project Grudge,' another
one called 'Operation Majority.' Project Grudge contained the history of
alien involvement since around 1936, and it began talking about
Germany's involvement with a crashed disk that they had recovered in
1936 and were attempting to duplicate the technology. They were not
successful despite what all these Nazi hunters want to tell you. If they
had been successful, we would not have won the war, because you cannot
beat those weapons! You cannot outfly those craft, you can't even think
about it with conventional aircraft. If Germany had been successful, we
would now have a German flag up in front of this podium."
"They did make some headway. When we went into Punta Mundy [sp] we
captured documents, we got some scientists, we got some hardware. The
Russians also got some documents, some scientists, and some hardware. It
wasn't until 1947 that we were able to capture a craft, a whole craft,
not all together but it was everything. And that occurred near the city
of Roswell, New Mexico. There were dead aliens recovered from the craft.
In Project Grudge I saw photographs of these dead aliens, of the craft,
I saw photographs of live aliens, I saw photographs of autopsies,
internal organs, I saw photographs of the alien designated 'E.B.'[or
Ebe] which was held in captivity from 1949 until June the 2nd, 1952 when
he died. I saw the history of what they had been able to at that time
put together, from incidents in the 1800's which involved aliens and
their craft."
"I saw the names of projects. I saw a project that was to fly
recovered alien craft that had been recovered intact and undamaged, and
some of them were recovered intact and undamaged, and how that happened
I have no idea. It was called 'Project Red-light,' and first was
conducted from the Tonopah test range in the Nevada test sight and then
was moved to a specially built area, ordered built by president
Eisenhower, called 'Area-51,' code named 'Dreamland,' in the Groom [sp]
dry lake area of the Nevada test sight, by secret executive order. It
doesn't exist officially, if you ask anyone, or if you write letters to
the government they will tell you it doesn't exist. However if you go
out there at several places and see it, fly outside the boundaries and
look down and see it, you know it's there, but according to the
government it doesn't exist."
"The project to fly, test fly these craft, was ongoing until sometime
in 1962 when a craft blew up not far from the test sight, in the air,
and the explosion was seen over a three state area. The pilots were
killed, they had no idea what had happened or why the craft blew up, but
they put Project Redlight on hold until a later date when the aliens
supplied us with 3 craft and personnel to help us learn how to fly these
craft. That project is ongoing and we now have not only alien craft that
we are flying, we have craft we have built, using the captured
technology, and some of the UFO's that people report seeing in the
United States, and maybe even elsewhere, are flown by United States
"That may come as a shock to you. We have technology way beyond the
limits of what we have been told. A lot of our development
technologically, since the end of World War II, has been due to the
exchange of technology which occurs in the area called 'Area-51' on a
regular basis ...ongoing."
"When James Oberth, professor Oberth retired, many of you don't know
who he is ...not too many space people in here. Professor Oberth was
probably one of the greatest rocket scientists and space commentists
that ever lived. When he retired, the government gave him a special
award, there was a press conference, all kinds of ceremony, and when he
got up to speak he said, 'Gentlemen,' and I quote professor Oberth, he
said, 'Gentlemen, we cannot take credit for all the technological
developments that we have had in the last decade. We have had help,' and
that's where he stopped."
"One of the reporters raised his hand and said, 'Professor Oberth,
can you tell us what other country helped us?'"
"He said, 'It was those little guys from out in space,' and then he
got down and and would not comment any further. Now this occurred in
1959. I can go on and on but time doesn't allow it."
"I will tell you ladies and gentlemen that there are all kinds of
things going on all the time, we are making rapid progress in exposing
this. Since I have begun talking, people have been coming out of the
woodwork at a rapid rate, who know and have pieces of this puzzle, and
are helping us to put it together, because I don't have all the answers.
I saw an awful lot of material, I have remembered an awful lot of it, I
have probably, in my remembering, made some mistakes, and I guarantee
you they're minor ones, if I have."
"We have just recently, for those of you who didn't believe that the
Jason Society of the Jason Scholars, the secret group existed, we now
have a letter from the Pentagon, with 51 names of the Jason Scholars, an
admission from the Pentagon that they hold the highest security
clearances in the nation, an admission from the Pentagon that they hold
the protocol rank of Rear Admiral, and are treated as such on any
military installation or in any government office. There are 6 Nobel
Prize winners on that list, there are the elite of the elite of the
scientific world, they are the only ones who really know the truth about
the technology today and about the real science of physics, because the
one that we're being taught all the time... If you send your kids to
college to learn physics you're wasting your money because they're
teaching them stuff that doesn't work, it's not true, it's not real.
Gravity is not what we think it is. There IS a Unified Theory! We
already know what it is, it's what makes these craft work. It's
absolutely incredible what's going on."
"How many of you keep up with Billy Goodman's show on KVEG out of Las
Vegas? For those of you who don't, I would try tuning in on any night
between 10:00 PM and 1:00 AM. It's 840 on your AM dial, and the subject
every night are those subjects that no other media person in the United
States will touch with a 10 foot pole, every single night except
Saturday night. It's the only show that you can call in and talk to
another caller, you've got 3 minutes to say whatever you want to say as
long as you don't cuss or swear or slander anyone, and every night
they're helping to expose this."
"When John Lear and I first said what was going on out at Groom Lake
everybody said, 'You're nuts, there's nothing going on out at Groom
Lake!' The listeners of the Billy Goodman radio show put together an
excursion and went up to Groom Lake and they all, ever since, every
night, they go up there and watch them test fly the alien craft ...every
night! The first night they had 100 people there. And 100 people saw 4
alien craft fly, doing things that no airplane and no helicopter can do.
Now they don't tell us anymore that there's nothing happening at Groom
Lake. What they tell us now is there's no such thing as aliens, it's all
government secret projects. That's okay because we'll prove that wrong
too eventually, it just takes awhile. Because where we WERE ...it's not
where we're AT, and I'm really happy about that."
"Now, if you want to see what's happening right now, keep watching
your movies, keep watching your television commercials, your alien
programs on television, read Whitley Streeper's 'Majestic' which is a
part of the contingency plan called 'Majestic' to test the reaction of
the population to the presence of aliens on the Earth. And I have just
finished my study of Whitley Streeper's book 'Majestic,' and I'm gonna
tell you right now that most of the documents in there, that he says are
fiction, are real documents that came right out of Project Grudge. It is
part of the government's campaign to leak information out in ways that
they can always deny that it's real. There's only one thing wrong with
the information in that book, the stories of the characters in there I
know nothing about. What I'm talking about are the supposed government
documents that he has in that book. I'm telling you tonight they're
real. Those are some of the same documents that I saw in Project Grudge
back between 1970 & 1973, and where we have wondered before, now we know
that Whitley Streeper IS working for the government. And we had a
suspicion anyway because in the front of his book he states that he got
information and was helped by the research team of Moore, Shanderey, and
Friedman. William Moore has publicly admitted on July the 1st that he is
an agent of the United States Government, and we know that the others
are too."
"This is gonna come out, and the reason they're doing it the way
they're doing it is they know eventually you're gonna find out that it's
all true and real. They're desensitizing you so that you're not shocked,
so that there's no collapse of society as we know it, so that the
religious structure doesn't fall to pieces, so that the stock market
doesn't go crazy, because these were their original fears. Now, there's
nothing we can do about the last one because it's already happened,
there will be a segment of the population that worships the aliens, even
though they're no different than us they're just from somewhere else,
and they may look a little different. They are not gods. But there are
already people worshiping the aliens and they predicted this would
happen when they slapped the secret stamp all over all this stuff."
"You know, there's really nothing wrong with what's been happening
except for 3 things;" [Cooper forgot to mention the 3rd thing, or was
sidetracked, or included it into the 2nd thing.]
Number one, when they decided to keep it secret they needed to finance
it, they couldn't tell the public so they couldn't tell Congress. They
decided to finance it with the sale, importation and sale, of drugs. Now
in the documents that I read, in Operation Majority, it specifically
stated that when George Bush was the president and CEO of Sapata [sp]
Oil, he, in conjunction with the CIA, organized the first large scale
drug importation into this country from
South and Central America by fishing
boat, to the offshore oil platforms of Sapata Oil, and then from there
into the beach, thus bypassing all Customs inspections and law
enforcement inspections of any kind. They are still bringing in drugs,
to a limited extent, in this manner. Another manner is by CIA contract
aircraft which, one of their bases of landing is Homestead [sp] Air
Force Base in Florida. We have affidavits from air controllers who have
vectored the planes in, who have made sure that they're not interfered
with in any way. We have affidavits from personnel at Homestead Air
Force Base who say the planes have been met by Zeb Bush, who's George
Bush's son. We have affidavits from people who work in the Gulf of
Mexico, in the offshore oil business, that yes indeed, the drugs are
coming in, at least some of them, from the offshore oil platforms."
From the audience came a clear statement, "Just say no?" "Pardon?
...Right! Just Say No! Well that's what we're gonna do ladies and
gentlemen with your help ...we are going to say NO, no more! And you
gotta do it, you gotta act. You either gotta act, or watch your country
go down the tubes."
"Now, that's one of the things that's wrong. The next thing that's
wrong is, to keep the secret, they killed a lot of people who tried to
leak it out. And if I hadn't done it the way that I did it, you wouldn't
be seeing me anywhere standing or walking on this Earth now. They killed
president Kennedy and during the workshop, for those of you haven't seen
the tape, I will show you, on the tape, who shot the president and why.
Between '70 and '73, in Operation Majority it stated verbatim that
President Kennedy ordered MJ-12 to cease the importation and sale of
drugs to the American people, that he ordered them to implement a plan
to reveal the presence of aliens to the American people within the
following year. His assassination was ordered by the policy committee of
the Vilderbergers. MJ-12 implemented the plan and carried it out in
Dallas. It involved agents of the CIA, Division-5 of the FBI, the Secret
Service, and the office of Naval Intelligence. President Kennedy was
killed by the driver of his car, his name was William Greer, he used a
recoilless, electrically operated, gas powered assassination pistol that
was specially built by the CIA to assassinate people at close range. It
fired an explosive pellet which injected a large amount of shellfish
poison into the brain, and that is why, in the documents, it stated that
President Kennedy's brain was removed. If you've studied the case, you
will find that indeed his brain disappeared. The reason for that is so
that they would not find the particles of the exploding pellet or the
shellfish poison in his brain which would have proved conclusively that
Lee Harvy Oswald was NOT the assassin. In fact, Lee Harvy Oswald never
fired a shot, he was the patsy."
Mr. Cooper paused briefly, and a lady in the audience asked the obvious
question, "Why haven't YOU been assassinated?"
"If they were to kill me right now, what would you think?" Cooper
"That it's the truth," several people chimed.
"I've got 'em right where I want 'em. If they touch me, everyone who's
ever heard me talk is gonna be absolutely enraged and is gonna know that
everything I've said is true. As long as they don't touch me there's
gonna be some of you who are always gonna be wondering. But eventually
we're gonna bring enough proof out, and if you're here during the
workshop you're gonna see an awful lot of it that's gonna prove to you
that it's true. It's real. And it's happening!"
"Okay, I've tried to cover a lot of stuff, just briefly, because
there's no time in 45 minutes to get into anything very much."
Mr. Cooper then announced the scheduled workshop session the following
day in which tangible proofs could be seen but regrettably I was unable
to attend. He then opened up the floor to questions and answers.
A muffled question was barely heard coming from the front of the room
which in essence asked, "What about all the people in the press and
others who were in Dallas and who saw the assassination? Couldn't they
tell where the shot came from, why didn't they come forward? There must
have been plenty."
"There was, we know that there was
at least 18 who were all murdered within 2 years of the event. The
odds of that happening are 1 in 300,000 trillion," Cooper replied.
Again a muffled question, "Why did the DRIVER have to shoot Kennedy?"
"Because the other fools missed! There were a total of 3 shots fired
at President Kennedy, one hit him in the throat and didn't kill him and
2 of them hit John Connelly [sp]. The one that was fired from the grassy
knoll hit the president in the throat. The other 2 shots came from
directly behind the limousine, not the school book depository building,
and hit Governor Connelly. Governor Connelly, in intelligence community
circles, is known as a 'can do' man, because he took 2 hits and still
kept his mouth shut."
"How is it that the driver, sitting on the front, left-hand side of
the car was able to blow off the right side of Kennedy's brain when the
bullet actually entered in, and it would have been virtually
impossible..." another person asked.
Mr. Cooper seized the gist of his question and injected, "For those of
you who have been listening to all these talk show hosts, whose job it
is to be a talk show host, and who have not done any legitimate research
into this, if you come to the workshop, I will show you, on the tape,
how it was done. You will see that Kennedy was, in fact slumped over
against Jackie, his head was turned [this direction], it was very
simple, it was easy and you will see it with your own eyes."
Another muffled, off mike question from a member of the audience
inquiring why no one else had come forward with the information Mr.
Cooper was disseminating, and why those who knew it had kept it secret
for so long was quickly answered, "It hasn't been, I'm talkin' about it
now. Bill English was talkin' about it 8 years ago but everybody laughed
at Bill English. John Lear's been talkin' about it for 3 years and
everybody laughed at him. Now there's so many people have been talkin'
about it, people are startin' to listen and it's about time. Because
it's about time we that we quit being fools, and that's exactly what
they think we are and we prove it to them every day."
Almost all of the questions from the audience were to faint to hear.
The next one dealt with the alien technology and asked in essence,
"Hasn't any one else [other than the government] come up with the energy
technology that the aliens have?" to which Mr. Cooper answered, "There's
been quite a few people who've come up with it and they've ALL been
stopped, and they'll all continue to be stopped. Because once you have
it you have FREE ENERGY. Once you have free energy they no longer have
power over you. You understand? That's why they stop it."
Another question asking, "In the film of the assassination which was
examined greatly by experts, why didn't THEY conclude that Kennedy's
driver shot him?", to which Cooper asked, "Examined by WHO greatly?",
and continued, "Most of the film that you can purchase has that segment
cut out, and you can always tell it by the person running in the
background, they'll run up to here... all of a sudden they'll be down
here... running. You will see in most of the clips that you've ever seen
on television, or in the movies, or that you're able to get your hands
on, you'll see William Greer start to turn like this...", then a muffled
comment from the audience, then Cooper answered, "That's because they
clipped it out! And on a lot of them, I'll bet you most of you, every
time you've seen the clip on television, never looked at the driver
anyway. If you're really honest with yourself, and with me, you know
your eyes were right on Kennedy."
A woman asked if any of the alien technology was being used in present
day military equipment and was answered, "Yes, there's a lot of alien
technology contained in the Stealth bomber, that's right. The Stealth
fighter was flying for 10 years before you even knew it existed."
As the hour drew late another question, more clearly stated, was asked
of Mr. Cooper by a woman closer to my ears, "Before you let us all out
of here, there's a bunch of us here wondering what can we all do to help
bring this all out?"
A single word, "REVOLT" issued from several listeners simultaneously
but Cooper responded, "Don't revolt. What you need to do is what you
should have been doing all along. You need to get involved with your
government. The first thing you need to do is purchase a copy of the
Constitution, which I know that most of you don't have anywhere in your
house, and if I were to go around this room and ask each person what the
Constitution says, most of you couldn't tell me what the Constitution
says from your grocery bill. And that's the truth! And that IS your
country! So if you don't know what your Constitution is you're dead
already, so the first thing you do is you get a copy of your
Constitution. The second thing you do is you learn it! The third thing
you do is you start calling your senators and your representatives, and
the President of the United States and you start leaning on them, and
you tell them, 'Unless you straighten up the government, and unless we
start getting the truth, and I mean the whole truth, and no more of this
baloney, this's the last job you're ever gonna have, period. And I'll do
everything in my power to make sure that comes true.' And then write
them, frequently, saying the same thing. And then when they're in your
area, in their area offices, take a little delegation and go see them,
and make them understand that they're gonna be living in poverty because
they're not gonna have a job anymore come election day. You see, the
secret government may own the executive branch, but you people, all of
us, we own the Congress, and the Congress makes the laws, and the
Congress can impeach the entire executive branch! You also have the
right to petition the government for a redress of injuries. So you ARE
powerful, you've just forgotten that you're powerful, you've forgotten
that that vote that you haven't been doing every time election comes
around, that vote has abdicated your power. That vote you did not cast
abdicated your power and gave it to those who are subverting the
Constitution and are ruining this country."
A gentleman then asked, "What was traded to the aliens for their
"People and animals," replied Cooper succinctly.
Another man asked, "Is the Soviet Union in on any of this?"
"The Soviet Union and the United States of America have been close
allies since the end of World War II and have been closely participating
in the secret space program all this time. The Soviets have the same
thing we have, yes. What you see happening in the Soviet block right now
is not the result of people standing up and saying, 'We want to be
free.' It's the result of the international bankers saying, 'You tear
down these barriers, and you meet the West half way, give your people
some freedom, the West is gonna take some freedom away from their people
so that we can put together a one world economic system ...and have all
the power. That's what's happening! If you don't believe it, stick
around and watch it!"
A dubious woman then asked, "Why was the shellfish poison necessary? A
lot of his brain was blown off anyway."
Cooper: "The shellfish poison? If you go to kill someone, one thing
I've learned, I learned it real good, I learned it especially good when
I went to Vietnam; just 'cause you shoot someone doesn't mean they're
gonna die. And if they don't die, they're gonna be MAD. And if they've
got a gun, you're dead. So you want the first time to be the last time.
So if you really want to to kill somebody you don't play around. If you
REALLY want to kill somebody ...you KILL them, you don't play, you make
sure that when you shoot them, they're dead. That way they can't hurt
you, can't hurt you at all."
Regrettably, the next question was totally unintelligible, I was
thankful however that Mr. Cooper had a good public address system to
amplify his reply, "The first moon landing was May the 22nd, 1962... or
excuse me, that was the first landing on Mars. I'm sorry, May the 22nd,
1962 was the winged probe that used a hydrozine propeller, flew around
approximately 3 orbits and landed on May the 22nd, 1962, was a joint
United States / Russian endeavor. The first time that we landed on the
moon was sometime during the ...probably middle 50's, because at the
time when President Kennedy stated that he wanted a man to set foot on
the moon by the end of the decade we already had a base there."
"What about Mars?" came another quick question.
"We have a base on Mars also," Cooper calmly replied.
"When did that happen?"
"I don't know the exact date but I know the project's name, it was
'Adam and Eve'."
"How long have you known about this?"
"Well, I revealed it publicly for the first time on July the 2nd,
1989, and within 3 weeks of the time I revealed it publicly, the
government, to get the American people not to listen to me, came out and
said that they planned to build a base on the moon and a colony on Mars.
Now, 3 days previous to my speech, representatives from NASA said, 'We
can never have a colony on Mars, it's impossible that there's a colony
on Mars because Mars is a dead planet.' And it's NOT a dead planet,
they've lied to you about Mars."
"My name is Dave [unintelligible], I'm a representative of the Crystic
Institute, and I'd like to know why it was that when we sent a
representative down to your home, at your request, you failed to produce
any documentation to substantiate your allegations."
"In the first place it was NOT at my request, I have never contacted
the Crystic Institute in my life. I was on the Carol Hemingway Show, she
contacted the Crystic institute, she told Daniel Shehan [sp] that I had
just said something about Bush and drugs on her show. HE called ME and
told me he wanted to send an investigator, in fact he told me to even
help the investigator because he was new at the job, his name was Wayne
Nelson, he is a very good gentleman, he stayed at my house for 2 days,
slept overnight on my couch, I gave him everything I had. I never told
Daniel Shehan that I had any documents and I never told Wayne Nelson
that I had any documents. In fact what I told Wayne Nelson, and I quote,
'Wayne, if I did have the documents I couldn't admit it and I don't know
you from Adam, and I don't know Daniel Shehan from Adam and what makes
you think I would give them to you.' Who am I going to give them to and
how quick are they going to disappear, that was my thought. Wayne Nelson
also came to my house with a stack of documents this thick already
substantiating the presence of aliens and extraterrestrial craft on this
planet, and they are keeping it a secret, because they're afraid
somebody'll laugh at them and they'll loose their credibility."
"We need some patriots in this country, not people trying to make a
name for themselves, trying to expose some drug runners, because those
are just the bagmen. The real crook is in the White House! And you can
tell THAT to Daniel Shehan!"
"Why didn't Jackie Kennedy report [the source of the lethal shot]?"
asked another audience member.
"Who's she gonna tell? The Secret Service just killed her husband and
they're assigned to protect the President. Also, who had her children?
The same Secret Service had her children at the time."
"Wasn't the craft at Roswell, New Mexico destroyed and all the aliens
killed?" another young man asked.
"All the aliens were dead but the craft was not completely destroyed,
it was severely damaged yes."
On an unrelated note an older gentleman asked, "Does that mean that
'Alternative 3' is true?"
"Alternative 3 is absolutely true and so is 'Alternative 2'."
Then a man in his late 20's or early 30's raised his hand, said
something I couldn't hear, and was apparently recognized by Mr. Cooper
who asked him to take the podium and address the
"What I said was that I thanked him [Cooper] very much for coming
forward and saying something. A lot of my friends out here know that I
was involved in the United States Special Forces, UFO Tracking and
Research from the years 1971 to 1975. My name is Richard Murray, I was
based out of the 71st Tac Controll Flight, McDill Air Force Base, Tampa,
Florida. We were 'Mobile Radar Command,' that was combat and war ready.
We could be loaded on aircraft within an hour and many times were taken
into areas [to] set up radar. A lot of times we were set up around
Egland [sp] Air Force Base because that's where they have the 'Altered
Temperature Weather Control', where they can test various aircraft for
their shrinkage and their dimension change during altered temperature.
So, you know, I was told to shut up twice in 1982 and they finally
threatened my parents life so I stayed quiet, and, that's when Wendel
Stevens was taken off the streets... Just like that! And I hid for quite
awhile, and decided to come back out when I heard that you're [Cooper]
of such high rank as you were, and I felt just in saying that your
credentials are true, and that what you have to say, everything you've
said here today, I've heard before behind closed doors. And you've
really tied the link for me to the Kennedy killing. And there's a few
more links that have to go on with the Columbia Cartel and the money
laundering. I think there's more than one cartel involved, and they're
shutting one of them down so one can maintain a power, it just seems to
be the way it works."
A muffled question then came from someone in the audience regarding
the person referred to as "Colonel Stevens."
"Uh, Colonel Stevens is out of jail now," replied Murray who was
quickly asked another question I couldn't hear to which he answered, "I
sure hope to hell so, he is a wonderful man and I give him my utmost
respect and it was one of the saddest days in my life to see what
happened to him happen to him. But I don't care what they say about
Wendel Stevens, in my heart you can't discredit that man to me. I don't
care who the hell you are. I won't listen to it, I don't give a shit if
he was screwin' babies. You know... that doesn't... he's not at kind of
a man, I don't care what you say, I know him personally."
The lecture was then essentially over. The "Alternative 2 and 3" that
were referred to briefly are, to the best of my knowledge, two
government contingency plans and I don't know which is which, to 1:
Declare Martial Law and invalidate the Constitution on the premise that
a terrorist group had entered the country with a Nuclear weapon with
plans to detonate it in a major city. All dissidents would be rounded up
and placed in concentration camps and the press and media would be
nationalized. All this, if the information becomes public before they
want it to or if the aliens attempt a takeover, and 2: Another
contingency plan to contain or delay the release of this information,
the details of which I am probably wrong about anyway.
My own personal reaction to Milton William Cooper; Mr. Cooper is a man
who appears to be in his late fourties, of medium height and weight, and
was dressed casually when I saw him. His hairline was receding slightly
and he carried himself with confidence and purpose. Bill Cooper, as he
was called by several in attendance, is not a professional speaker. His
presentation lacked the polish of repeated deliveries which all the
other lectures I heard during the Expo. had, but what it lacked in fine
tuning was easily made up for in its content. Weather or not everyone in
the audience was convinced of his sincerity I do not know, but the
thunderous peal of applause which exploded as he concluded the session
spoke for me and the majority of those in attendance. I am convinced
beyond any reasonable doubt that Bill Cooper believes everything he
said, and I'm about as skeptical as they come.
Please read the attached file written by Milton William Cooper which
describes some of the government operations, projects, and code names
that pertain to the above transcript. Perhaps from the two documents you
can reach your own conclusions as to what 'Alternative 2 and 3' are.
The following is the original file "OPER-MAJ.TXT" which introduced Mr.
Cooper to me.
This file contains the absolute true information regarding the alien
presence on earth and the US Government's involvement with the
aliens.This file contains only the information as I saw it and only my
information.It does not contain any information from any other source.
It was necessary for me to issue the information previous to this
release in a manner which would deceive the Government until someone was
able to independently confirm my identity, my employment, my service
record, my intelligence background, the identity of the person to which
I gave the information in 1972, his acknowledgment of the information
and when it was given to him, that the information is correct, that I
have not seen him since 1974, and that I have not communicated with him
in any form since 1976.This was necessary because this file is my death
warrant if MJ-12 continues to operate in a manner consistent with its
All in the last paragraph has been independently verified by 2 different
people who have no connection with each other. I will only list one for
obvious reasons.
Tony Pelham, Journalist
Las Vegas Bullet, (Newspaper)
300 West Boston
Las Vegas, Nevada89102
The original information that I first released was not much MAJI that I
was not a threat long enough to have independent verification of the
facts before I risked death. [TRANSMISSION GARBLED] I wish to make it
absolutely clear that I do not consider myself a hero.I believe that
most of you would do the same thing if you knew the truth.I gave an oath
that I would uphold and protect the Constitution of the United States of
America and I take that oath very seriously.I am doing no more now than
I did when I fought in Vietnam.I am doing my duty.
Please make copies of this file and send it to your Congressman, your
Senator, the Attorney General of the United States, and to the Supreme
Court.Send it also to everyone you know.Attach copies of the Bill
English file and John Lears file.Send anything else you may have which
tends to support the information.
I, Milton William Cooper, 1311 S. Highland #205, Fullerton, California,
92632, (714) 680-9537, do solemnly swear that the information contained
in this file is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.I swear
that I saw this information in 1972 in the performance of my duties as a
member of the Intelligence Briefing Team of the Commander In Chief of
the Pacific Fleet as a Petty Officer in the US Navy.I swear that I
underwent hypnotic regression in order to make the information as
accurate as possible.I swear that I can and will take a lie detector
test or any other test of any reputable person's choosing in order to
confirm this information.I swear that I can and will undergo hypnotic
regression conducted by any reputable and qualified Doctor of any
reputable person's choosing in order to confirm this information.I will
not, however submit to any test or hypnosis by anyone who is now or has
ever been connected with the Government in any capacity for obvious
The following is brief listing of everything that I personally saw and
know from 1972 and does not contain any input from any other source
MAJESTY was listed as the code word for the President of the United
States for communications concerning this information.
OPERATION MAJORITY is the name of the operation responsible for every
aspect, project, and consequence of alien presence on earth.
GRUDGE Contains 16 volumes of documented information collected from the
beginning of the United States investigation of Unidentified Flying
Objects (UFO's) and Identified Alien Crafts (IAC). The project was
funded by CIA confidential funds (non-appropriated) and money from the
illicit drug trade. Participation in the illegal drug trade was
justified in that it would identify and eliminate the weak elements of
our society. The purpose of project GRUDGE was to collect all
scientific, technological, medical and intelligence information from
UFO/IAC sightings and contacts with alien life forms.This orderly file
of collected information has been used to advance the United States
Space Program.
MJ-12 is the name of the secret control group. President Eisenhower
commissioned a secret society known as THE JASON SOCIETY (JASON
SCHOLARS) to sift through all the facts, evidence, technology, lies and
deception and find the truth of the alien question. The society was made
up of 32 of the most prominent men in the country in 1972 and the top 12
members were designated MJ-12. MJ-12 has total control over everything.
They are designated by the codes J-1, J-2, etc all the way through the
members of the Jason Society.
The director of the CIA was appointed J-1 and is the Director of MJ-12.
MJ-12 is responsible only to the President. MJ-12 runs most of the
world's illegal drug trade.This was done to hide funding and thus keep
the secret from the Congress and the people of the United States.It was
justified in that it would identify and eliminate the weak elements of
our society.The cost of funding the alien connected projects is higher
than anything you can imagine. MJ-12 assassinated President Kennedy
when he informed them that he was going to tell the public all the facts
of the alien presence.He was killed by the Secret Service agent driving
his car and it is plainly visible in the film held from public view. A
secret meeting place was constructed for MJ-12 in MARYLAND and it was
described as only accessible by air.It contains full living,
recreational, and other facilities for MJ-12 and the JASON SOCIETY.It is
code named "THE COUNTRY CLUB". Only those with TOP SECRET/MAJIC
clearance are allowed to go there.
disinformation, and intelligence is gathered and evaluated by this
agency.This agency is responsible for all disinformation and operates in
conjunction with the CIA, NSA, and the Defense Intelligence Agency.This
is a very powerful organization and all alien projects are under its
control.MAJI is responsible only to MJ-12. SIGMA is the project which
first established communications with the aliens and is still
responsible for communications.
PLATO is the project responsible for Diplomatic relations with the
aliens.This project secured a formal treaty (illegal under the
Constitution) with the aliens.The terms were that the aliens would give
us technology.In return we agreed to keep their presence on earth a
secret, not to interfere in any way with their actions, and to allow
them to abduct humans and animals.The aliens agreed to furnish MJ-12
with a list of abductees on a periodic basis.
MAJIC is the security classification and clearance of all alien
connected material, projects, and information.MAJIC means MAJI
AQUARIUS is a project which compiled the history of alien presence and
their interaction with Homo Sapiens upon this planet for the last 25,000
years and culminating with the Basque people who live in the mountainous
country on the border of France and Spain and the Syrians.
GARNET is the project responsible for control of all information and
documents regarding this subject and accountability of the information
and documents.
PLUTO is a project to evaluate all UFO/ IAC information pertaining to
POUNCE is the project formed to recover all downed/ crashed craft and
REDLIGHT is the project to test fly recovered alien craft.It is
conducted at AREA 51 (DREAMLAND) in Nevada.It was aided when the aliens
gave us craft and helped us fly them.The initial project was somewhat
successful in that we flew a recovered craft but it blew up in the air
and the pilots were killed.The project was suspended at that time until
the aliens agreed to help us.
SNOWBIRD was established as a cover for project REDLIGHT. Several flying
saucer type craft were built using conventional technology.They were
unveiled to the press and flown in front of the press.The purpose was to
explain accidental sightings or disclosure of REDLIGHT as having been
the SNOWBIRD craft.
LUNA is the alien base on the far side of the Moon.It was seen and
filmed by the Apollo Astronauts.A base, a mining operation using very
large machines, and the very large alien craft described in sighting
reports as MOTHER SHIPS exist there.
NRO is the National Recon Organization based at Fort Carson, Colorado.It
is responsible for security for all alien or alien craft connected
DELTA is the designation for the specific arm of the NRO which is
especially trained and tasked with security of these projects.
JOSHUA is a project to develop a low frequency pulsed sound generating
weapon.It was said that this weapon would be effective against the alien
craft and beam weapons.
EXCALIBUR is a weapon to destroy the alien underground bases. It is to
be a missile capable of penetrating 1000 meters of Tuff/hard packed soil
such as that found in New Mexico with no operational damage.Missile
apogee not to exceed 30,000 feet AGL and impact must not deviate in
excess of 50 meters from designated target.The device will carry a 1
megaton nuclear warhead.
ALIENS, there were 4 types of aliens mentioned in the papers.
A LARGE NOSED GREY with whom we have the treaty, the GREY reported in
abductee cases that works for the LARGE NOSED GREY, a blond human like
type described as the NORDIC, a red haired human like type called the
ORANGE. The home of the aliens were described as being a star in the
Constellation of Orion, Barnards star, and Zeta Riticuli 1 and 2. I
cannot remember even under hypnosis which alien belongs to which star.
EBE is the name or designation given to the live alien captured at the
1949 Roswell crash. He died in captivity.
KRLL OR KRLLL OR CRLL OR CRLLL pronounced Crill or Krill was the hostage
left with us at the first Holloman landing as a pledge that the aliens
would carry out their part of the basic agreement reached during that
meeting. KRLL gave us the foundation of the yellow book which was
completed by the guests at a later date. KRLL became sick and was
nursed by Dr. G. Mendoza who became the expert on alien biology and
medicine. KRLL later died. His information was disseminated under the
pseudonym O.H. Cril or Crill.
GUESTS were aliens exchanged for humans who gave us the balance of the
yellow book. At the time I saw the information there were only 3 left
alive. They were called (P&#'s) Alien Life Forms ....... [TRANSMISSION
RELIGION The aliens claim to have created Homo Sapiens through
hybridization. The papers said that RH-blood was proof of this. They
further claimed to have created all four major religions. They showed a
hologram of the crucifixion of Christ which the Government filmed. They
claim that Jesus was created by them.
ALIEN BASES exist in the four corners area of Utah, Colorado, New
Mexico, and Nevada. Six bases were described in the 1972 papers, all on
indian reservations and all in the four corners area. The base near
Dulce was one of them.
MURDER The documents stated that many military and government personnel
had been terminated (murdered without due process of law) when they had
attempted to reveal the secret.
CRAFT RECOVERIES The documents stated that many craft had been
recovered. The early ones from Roswell, Aztec, Roswell again, Texas,
Mexico, and other places.
GENERAL DOOLITTLE made a prediction that one day we would have to reckon
with the aliens and the document stated that it appeared that General
Doolittle was correct.
ABDUCTIONS were occurring long before 1972. The document stated that
humans and animals were being abducted and or mutilated. Many vanished
without a trace. They were taking sperm and ova samples, tissue,
performed surgical operations, implanted a spherical device 40 to 80
microns in size near the optic nerve in the brain and all attempts to
remove it resulted in the death of the patient. The document estimated
that 1 in every 40 people had been implanted. This implant was said to
give the aliens total control of that human.
This plan called for a public announcement that a terrorist group had
entered the United States with an Atomic weapon. It would be announced
that the terrorists planned to detonate the weapon in a major city.
Martial Law would be declared and all persons with implants would be
rounded up along with all dissidents and would be placed into
concentration camps. The press, radio, and TV would be nationalized and
controlled. Anyone attempting to resist would be arrested or killed.
This plan called for the use of MAJESTIC TWELVE as a disinformation ploy
to delay and confuse the release of information should anyone get close
to the truth. It was selected because of the similarity of spelling and
the similarity to MJ-12. It was designed to confuse memory and to
result in a fruitless search for material which did not exist.
The source of the material was an ONI counter-intelligence operation
against MJ-12 in order for the Navy to find out the truth of what was
really going on.The Navy (at that time or at least the Navy that I
worked for) were not participants in any of this.The different services
and the government conduct this type of operation against each other all
the time. The result of this operation was that the Navy cut themselves
in for a piece of the action (technology) and control of some projects.
As you can see this file is only a little different from my previous
file. Only some names were scrambled previously to confuse the
government long enough for someone to verify that what I have said is
the truth.I have added information in this file that puts me in absolute
danger. I have sent a copy of this file to people all over the country
and will continue to do so. Please get this file into as many hands as
you can and maybe that will protect me but I doubt it.
I wish to thank all those people who have aided me in reaching this
point and for their patience and understanding. I owe you all more than
I can ever repay.
Finally, it does not matter who is right and who is wrong or if a
project name is in the wrong place. It does not matter who is working
for who or what is really what. It should be obvious by now that
something sinister and terribly wrong is going on involving the
government and the UFO phenomenon. We must all band together and expose
it now. I have done my part in the best manner that I could. I can add
nothing else except my testimony in Congress or a court of law that what
I saw and have written in this file is true and that I saw it.
Everything in my previous file that does not conflict with this file is
true and correct to the best of my knowledge and some of it is from
sources and research. You may combine the files to get the entire
picture. Throw out only that information which conflicts with that
contained in this file.
There will be no further additions or corrections to this information
either now or in the future. My file is complete and stands to be
judged by history. Sometime in the future the exact papers that I saw
will surface and you will all see this exact information contained
within them.